Now that most of the smoke is clearing from this year’s college application season, there seem to be some things juniors want to plan on doing that seniors, for better or worse, didn’t have to worry about. Ready?
Make sure to take the SAT, ACT, or both It wasn’t all that long ago many, many colleges decided maybe test scores didn’t matter that much after all, and went test optional, leaving it up to the student to decide if their test score really said very much about them.
It turns out some colleges are finding their testing addiction tough to kick, so many are now heading back to requiring tests. You’ve worked hard to find a college that will offer you the right mix of challenge, support, and opportunity, so keeping it open as an option by dedicating four hours to a test (and the prep that goes with it) is worth it. I wish it were otherwise, but it’s time to be safe rather than sorry. Sign up for at least one test, and plan on taking one a second time if you can.
You need a backup plan, Part I The story of the year that has me yanking what little hair I have out by the handful are the ones that are being right now about the highly popular colleges that have become “easier” to get it, since the admit rates have gone from 3 percent to 5 percent.
What does that mean? Well, in basketball terms, it means that, for every shot taken last year, 3 went in. This year, 5 will go in.
Don’t let the numbers fake you out. Find some nice colleges just like the one you love that aren’t crazy competitive to get into, and apply—and remember, there are some nice honors and residential colleges at public universities that offer nice aid to smart kids.
You need a backup plan, Part 2 The other story that’s nuts is the “four years of college isn’t worth the price” argument that keeps students from applying to college in the first place. It’s easy to go into a Mercedes showroom and decide you can’t afford the latest model, since everyone (more or less) pays the same amount. Not so college admissions, where financial aid takes individual situations into consideration; some states offer free tuition for the first two years, and some colleges make all aid packages loan free.
Don’t let the sticker price scare you away. Find out what the real cost will be to you by applying for admission and aid, and see what happens.
You need a backup plan, Part 3 Finally, the news is replete with students who just don’t want to go to school anymore, that the prospect of four more years of The Scarlet Letter just isn’t their idea of a good time.
Fair enough—try this.
Somewhere in your community, someone is giving what’s called an aptitude test. This test measures the skills you have, and can give you some idea what career you should go into, based on talent—that’s based on talent, not interest, so these tests do have some limits.
Go take an aptitude test, and have someone go over the results with you, especially the part that talks about what kind of training you need after high school to get a job in this field. High schools, community colleges, and the military tend to offer them, and this can help you get some idea what should come next that truly won’t be a waste of money—provided it’s a job you like.